John R. Kowalski Integrative Marketing Fusion

9/11 Stair Climb Chattanooga

9/11 Stair Climb Chattanooga

A firefighter helmet reads, "Never forget 9/11. 343 FDNY."

Benefiting the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, I recently participated in a 9/11 stair climb here in Chattanooga. It was good to see a turnout of about 300 people even though the weather was just over 90 degrees.

As I climbed the 110 stories today thinking of those brothers and sisters who lost their lives on 9/11. This event is controlled and safe. Just takes my motivation and strength. No fear, no unknowing that those on that day faced. Yet they charged in to save lives. To make a difference. I’m proud to honor them today and proud to be part of this tradition. I’m proud to be a firefighter.

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