John R. Kowalski Integrative Marketing Fusion

Memories, Past and Future: Lessons for Personal Growth

Capture the beauty of life’s memories – both good and bad – to shape your future. Learn how processing memories can help you grow both personally and professionally, setting clear goals and breaking them down into achievable milestones. Take control of your life today by acknowledging the lessons from the past in order to create a better tomorrow.

Always See the Light

Find joy and hope in life with this encouraging reminder that no matter how dark things may seem, always remember that the light is out there waiting for you.

An Excellent Read – Riviera House

An enthralling dual narrative historical fiction novel, Natasha Lester’s ‘Riviera House’ tells the captivating story of art, love, and war through a tale of intrigue set in both wartime Paris and the present day.

Garden Peace

One new thing for me this year is our garden. I’ve always enjoyed plants but this year we’ve been doing a lot of work to the back of the house.