John R. Kowalski Integrative Marketing Fusion

Not Feeling It? Creative Block.

Do you ever have moments where you’re sitting (or standing in my case) in front of a blank screen? You have plenty to say, but for some reason nothing is bubbling to the top or sparking an idea. Creative block.

May is Mental Health Month

It’s Mental Health Month, and I’m sure you’ve seen the conversation popping up in many places over the last few weeks. Whether it’s college students or working professionals, mental health awareness is front of mind right now – but it should be something that we discuss year round.

Create a Disruption Through Marketing

Disruption in the business world is all about shaking up the status quo and challenging conventional thinking. In the context of a B2B organizations, creating market disruption through marketing can be a game-changer for new opportunities and growth.

B2B Marketing in an Engineering Environment

Engineering and technical organizations face many unique challenges when it comes to B2B marketing. Budget constraints, complex product offerings with technical language, longer sale cycles, and the limited target audience all present obstacles in executing an effective B2B marketing strategy.