I ran across this great article by Mike Marinella comparing firefighting with PR crisis management.

His opening:
Every organization will have to put out a fire, whether it’s managing a leadership scandal or a global pandemic. Either way, when extinguishing a fire, you must train your crisis response team to think like those who do it daily—firefighters. They are crisis experts, and their best practices are tried and tested over a long period.
Firefighters experience crises of all kinds, and, as in PR, not every one is a full-blown crisis. From house fires to car accidents, firefighters control situations promptly, but not recklessly, and formulate effective responses.
Similarly, communicators can prepare for crisis and less-threatening issues. The firefighting tactics below can help your team quell even the most formidable media firestorm.
Definitely read his full article and let me know if you have any questions or I can help in any way.

Personal note, I’m a volunteer (and certified) firefighter and a marketing professional for 20+ years.