Marketing Fusion

Marketing Fusion

John smiles and sits on the pavement with his firefighting gear at his side.

b2b marketing and leadership are hard.

That’s it. That’s the headline.

There’s a reason so many companies hire consulting firms and marketing agencies—because it’s really freaking hard. But when done right, the return is exponential. But not every startup or business has the capital or know-how to get the ball rolling. So, here I am.

As I was reflecting on my branding process, I realized that I have all this great information. 25+ years of b2b marketing experience…that’s got to be worth something, right?

I base my thinking and work on an integrative marketing model, but I also bring in several change disciplines centered around three tenants: evolve, connect, and inspire. That right there, folks, is the secret sauce. This is the model that I’ve coined, “Integrative Marketing Fusion.”


There’s no work without play.

Being passionate about marketing is only one facet of who I am. To be successful in your career also reminds us of how important it is to be successful in your own fun too. So, how do I unwind after crafting brilliant strategies and getting you the coverage you deserve?

Recently, I’ve picked up playing guitar, and it’s been the most fun challenge I’ve had in a while. While my family may not appreciate the flat notes and incessant strumming, it’s exactly what I need after a long day of grinding the tough stuff out. Life is all about balance and finding both your focus and your fun should help you become more productive and passionate.

John R Kowalski's guitar rests on its stand.
John R Kowalski, volunteer firefighter, helping contain a wildland fire.

It’s not about how much. It’s about how.

It’s easy to get caught in the grind, dead down, cranking out content, and losing touch with what matters most. Don’t get me wrong—I love what I do, but it’s not all work and play.

I was constantly finding ways to push products and turn profits, but lost sight of how my talents can impact other communities in a meaningful way. As a human rights activist and former volunteer firefighter I help in many ways. These efforts gave me a new perspective, and I realized that in order to truly excel, I had to embrace a life of giving as well. I’ve adopted this approach into my model of integrative marketing fusion, and it has made all the difference to both my clients and myself.

When you take time to give, you find new ways to flourish.
