One new thing for me this year is our garden and it’s peace. I’ve always enjoyed plants but this year we’ve been doing a lot of work to the back of the house. It’s where the screened-in porch is and where we spend most of our time as soon as the weather warms till November-ish (remember, I’m in Tennessee).
So far this year we brick-lined our garden beds, did the usual rototilling, and amending with new dirt and mulch. But this year in the back we pretty much had open beds as last year we used them for vegetables. Though we still have some raised beds growing greens and carrots, we’ve incorporated tomatoes, herbs, and some peas into the areas that perennials will go.

We’ve had a great time creating this part of our space. That is aside from last weekend when I hit a fire ant house. The itching from several bites are nearly gone though! 🙂 It’s been a purpose to get all of this work done before the Tennessee heat really comes, but it’s actually coming to an end of our planting. I think just another day or two of hard work. But I noticed something yesterday while sitting and overlooking our creation. Peace. A gentle peace.

The bees, butterflies and birds are already enjoying the new space and I’ve found I simply love watching them buzz and flutter about. It’s a break and a peace from my daily marketing work. I just sit and take it all in, the colors, the smells, and the sounds of nature. It’s a newfound peace that I’ve never found anywhere else. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. We’ve created a special place to our family here in the garden. Growing peace from the ground up.
Just like our garden peace, I hope this brings a little of that gentle peace in your world and in your way as well! 🙂