Garden, Soup & Music

Garden, Soup & Music

iris, garden

This past weekend was a great one! Spring is starting to come (finally) in Tennessee even though we had a bit of a cold blast. Saturday was spent in the yard planting seeds, some weeding and using my torch king to burn any sight of weeds growing in the gravel driveway. Great fun!

Then Sunday, even though bundled up on my morning walk with Clover, I had my first smile of the day. Charlie, the dog down the road that his owners pretty much run lose throughout the neighborhood had gotten a new invisible fence a few days ago. Finally, a sigh of relief to the neighborhood. But, just as normal, as Clover and I approached, he was out and simply walked through the perimeter of his new invisible fence. He was wearing the collar, but either the fence wasn’t on, or Charlie simply didn’t care. A head-shaking moment.

Music & Soup

From there after we thawed out, I got into some music. In the computer, that is. I’m working on Prince’s Sign ‘O The Times but one that’s updated for 2023. I have the lyrics done and am finding the right percussion and bass sounds. A computer-generated base to start with as I’ll then start recording some parts with my own playing. Not sure how the vocals are going to work, but I’ll deal with that when the time comes. Maybe some procrastination since I’m nowhere close to being a singer. Whatever comes out hopefully there’s some computer magic to work.

Since it was cold out, a soup was in order. I did my usual browning of onions to start, then carrot, celery, and onion. Followed by a light vegetable broth. I was in the mood for something a bit different so put in some seaweed, sesame seeds, tamari, and a little mirin. It turned out great! Simple, but lots of complexity.

Then some Dolly the banjo time. You know, it’s a great instrument but you just have to be in the mood due to its harsh sound. I worked on some chords and chord transitions along with some rolls and finger picking. After that time for Martin, my guitar. I knew a string change was coming up due to some buzzing on a couple strings and a “dead” sound coming from them. Apparently, that change was needed now. So, after getting the tools, new strings, and things ready to go, I started removing the strings, then did some cleaning and polishing. I so love this guitar. Such a beautiful instrument.  

Ok, new strings in place, stretched, and tuned… Wow! Like a new pair of underwear! Feels sooo good! Wooooo doggy! A great feel and sound. Here’s a couple little things so you can hear too.

Let’s hear it for this past weekend and a great new week!

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