John R. Kowalski Integrative Marketing Fusion

Ann Handley’s “In’s” and “Out’s” for B2B Marketers in 2024

Ann Handley’s “In’s” and “Out’s” for B2B Marketers in 2024


As we move further into the digital age, marketing strategies need to evolve to keep up with the changing times. For B2B marketers, it’s vital to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate industry trends to ensure that marketing initiatives are effective and efficient. Basically, B2B marketing trends 2024 that you need to be not only aware of, but actively integrating them into your marketing programs.

Ann Handley

That’s where Ann Handley comes in. If you haven’t heard of her, you need to make yourself familiar, especially if you’re in the B2B marketing space. Handley is a well-known digital marketing expert who recently shared her “In’s” and “Out’s” for this coming year. Her predictions could impact your marketing programs, so keep reading to learn more.

Ann Handley, annhandley, 2024, trends

Out with Long-Form Content, In with Snackable Content

Handley predicts that long-form content like blog posts and whitepapers will become less important in the coming year. The trend is leaning towards short, snackable content that can be consumed quickly and easily on-the-go. Think Facebook and Instagram stories, TikTok videos, YouTube videos, and X (Twitter) threads. These types of content are more interactive and engaging, which is becoming increasingly important in marketing today.

Out with One-to-Many Communication, In with One-to-One Communication

Personalization is no longer just a buzzword in marketing. It’s becoming the norm. Handley suggests that one-to-many communication will become less effective in 2024, and one-to-one communication will take its place. That means customized emails, website experiences, and marketing campaigns tailored for individual prospects. The catch is that this approach requires more time, effort, and resources, which is something to keep in mind.

Out with Keyword-Optimized Content, In with Voice-Optimized Content

The rise of voice search and digital assistants like Alexa and Google Home has led to a shift in content optimization. Handley predicts that keyword-optimized content will become less important, and voice-optimized content will take priority. That means content needs to be conversational, answering questions that someone might ask aloud to a digital assistant. It’s important to start incorporating voice search into your content strategy now to stay ahead of the competition.

Out with Over-Automation, In with Human Connections

Automation is great for streamlining processes and saving time, but it shouldn’t replace human connections. Handley argues that B2B marketers need to focus on building human connections and relationships in 2024, even if it means taking longer to close a sale. This approach builds trust and loyalty with customers, which is invaluable in the long run.

Out with Impersonal Messaging, In with Storytelling

Storytelling has become a buzzword in marketing, but for a good reason. Handley predicts that storytelling will become even more essential in B2B marketing in 2024. This means telling a company’s story across all aspects of marketing, from website copy to social media, to email marketing. It’s important to have a cohesive message that tells a compelling story that resonates with potential customers.


Ann Handley, Everybody Writes
Handley’s recent book – read it now!

Ann Handley‘s predictions for B2B marketing trends in 2024 are exciting and challenging. The digital landscape is changing, and marketers need to adapt to stay relevant. Whether it’s creating snackable content, customizing marketing campaigns, optimizing for voice search, building human connections, or telling a cohesive story; it’s vital to understand what works and what doesn’t. Consider incorporating some of Handley’s “In’s” and “Out’s” into your marketing strategy to stay ahead of the curve and achieve marketing success.

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