John R. Kowalski Integrative Marketing Fusion

Marketing Guidebook & My Brand

Marketing Guidebook & My Brand

Several blue and green balls bounce around

I thought I’d step back a touch and share with you some of my rationale to get my 25+ years of experience in one consolidated guide or book. Over the course of my career, I’ve always been collecting templates and ideas from a variety of sources and then make them into something I use in my work. Over the years as I have grown and how marketing has changed have also played into how I update my templates. I have taught many classes for organizations, universities, or companies around marketing or certain aspects of it and I’ve always enjoyed sharing my knowledge. I’ve also had interns along the way that have gone on to do some brilliant things with their careers and I’m still happy to be their mentor.

Anyway, due to my love of teaching and sharing knowledge, I wanted to share, not only, what I’ve learned along the way, but tips and guides for getting things done systematically, efficiently, and effectively. Real-world practical’s with just the right amount of theory behind it.

This is really geared towards any functional marketing professional or aspiring professional. I really enjoy the branding and strategy, but I also love developing campaigns, writing content, and doing the design. All those aspects, the functional marketer, is what makes me and the passion and love I have for marketing.

There are also many parts of us, not just our professional lives. And that’s something I also wanted to share with you in the hopes of triggering some new or reinforcing some (perhaps) lost or hidden aspects of you.

My brand is me. It’s marketing, but it’s also a home chef, a volunteer firefighter, and a guitarist (in process). It’s a diverse collection, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Join me on this journey.

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A gear depicting the concept of working


Find all my tips and knowledge about marketing, branding, and strategy here.

A guitar


It’s all about balance. Sometimes, you need to relearn how to play.

A firefighter


It’s not all work and play. Giving back to the community is paramount.

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