John R. Kowalski Integrative Marketing Fusion

Marketing Training – A Mentee’s Journey Pt. 5

Training session part 4 of Aimee’s journey to learn marketing. If you missed part 1, check it out here. Part 2, herePart 3, and Part 4.

mentoring, information, transfer, ideas

Today, with John we discussed the importance of setting goals and maintaining communication with your team. Marketing involves many moving parts and, in most cases, several people, so mapping out a plan and sticking to it is essential. Although pen and paper have their merits, teams working today are fortunate to have many tools at their fingertips that enable us to maintain constant contact, easily update tasks, and modify plans when necessary.

Since we work with other human beings, quality communication is also an important discipline in marketing. Outlining expectations and being clear about group and individual goals can prevent miscommunication and frustration and maintain good morale for the team.

John also explained my new role managing social media for AgTonik and gave me several brief tutorials on the various platforms. We discussed a few options for possible modification and improvement of AgTonik´s online presence and the need for data analysis to choose the best strategies moving forward.

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