John R. Kowalski Integrative Marketing Fusion

My B2B Marketing Gift to You

Join me in my B2B marketing journey where I share my knowledge, answer your questions, provide resources, and donate to your chosen charity for every question asked.

Find the Light

Explore the journey of a dedicated firefighter navigating personal loss and professional turmoil in a volunteer fire department, whilst embarking on a transformative journey towards light, positivity, and new opportunities.

One Chapter Closes, Another to Open

Explore the exciting journey of personal growth and career transition into marketing and mentorship, as we delve into new opportunities ranging from fire service grants to writing and music.

Winds of Change: FD Update

Join me as I navigate the unexpected challenge of leading our local fire department after recent resignations. Discover how I apply my corporate marketing skills to foster transparency, honesty, and integrity in our team, and how we are working together to move the department forward.

Spreading BBQ Love

xperience the joy of sharing as we spread love and appreciation with a surprise BBQ lunch for our favorite Mexican restaurant staff.