Tech Talk Palestine: Digital Marketing

Tech Talk Palestine: Digital Marketing

Tech Talk Palestine, digital marketing

This morning I spoke on a panel to over 150 attendees who are either in digital marketing or interested in digital marketing as a career.

Tech Talk Palestine: Digital Marketing invited me to speak several months ago and feel honored that they wanted my perspective on digital marketing.

Tech Talk Palestine, speakers, digital marketing

It was a lively conversation and some key points that I’d like to capture included:

  • Digital marketing’s ever-changing landscape. Just a couple days ago Threads by Meta launched, as an example.
  • Attitude and the drive to learn is a key element of rockstar staff members
  • AI and best practices
  • Always learning and up on trends
  • Marketing (and its many aspects) is a great career and can help any industry
  • Content strategy and it’s importance of staying true to your brand and how your audience takes in information
  • Embrace change and experiment
  • Human and empathy element – how do you solve challenges and make life easier for your customers, make sure your marketing is personal
  • Popularity of short-form video, but a shift towards longer-form relevant and quality content

Also, if you’re interested, here’s the handout that went to all participants.

Some additional digital marketing posts i’ve done:

Have a great weekend!

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