John R. Kowalski Integrative Marketing Fusion

Why I’m in the Fire Service, Stress Relief and a Marketing Example

Seems like a lot of stuff has recently sparked in me and rather than put these all as separate items I thought I’d give you some sort of blog combo pack!

Why am I in the fire service?

John smiles and sits on the pavement with his firefighting gear at his side.

Post-Chattanooga 9/11 Stair Climb

Thinking about this question brings some deep, as well as some not-so-deep thought. Quickly it was initially to be part of the community where I am not from and don’t initially fit in due to my yankee accent. Also due to several wildland fires in the area and just newly built a house out in the woods, I wanted to be able to protect my house and family. But the more I got into it, the more I wanted to learn. It fulfilled a “professional” need of being valued that my day job didn’t meet. It also was serving a higher purpose with my marketing skills and expertise – one that has been a weight on me for years. Something good instead of pushing products that really didn’t help people in a meaningful way. I was helping people. Directly by responding to emergency calls, and indirectly by helping my fire department and influencing others. Not a lot of change happens in the fire service and coming in with a marketing perspective offers something new. Not that many are willing to even talk about this “soft” side of the fire service, but I see the benefit and so does my department.

The fire service is in bad shape. Declining members (both career and volunteer) and declining funding. I also believe it’s a lack of understanding and value. People have an emergency and they dial 911 and we show up. But what if those response times continue to slip? What if nobody came? It seems like that’s where we’re headed as a society anyway… everyone for themselves. Look at politics and corporate ladders. Where has the “we” and “us” gone? Where is a community that truly looks after and cares about each other? There may be some pockets of that here in the US, but for the most part I see that gone.

I guess I take that on myself. To improve my department, to show the value to my community and to pull us together and prove that it can be done. To be an example to other departments and communities. And then perhaps, work with other departments and communities as a day job. Though frustrating at times being part of a small, rural department, I also see it as a way out of my day job. An advancement to do something different that has tangible, real life-changing results with what matters most – people.

Personally, I also wanted to see if I could do it. Physically and mentally. To learn something new. I have been so bored with my day job and not seeing much future in it or seeing a higher purpose in it. To push myself physically to see if I could keep up with the kids in their 20’s. To lead them and to offer a positive example. To give my department members with a positive role model and to lead them. And to be honest, it also helps me burn off aggression and

anger due to the issue with my precious children. I’m not involved in their daily lives and rarely even hear from or talk with them mainly due to their “mothers” bitter and vengeful influence and the courts not really caring about anything but money. I have been able to punch holes in boats with an axe, rip down ceilings during overhaul, save precious memories, extinguishing fires and raking fire breaks. I get dirty, sweaty and can use brute force. This helps me control my anger. It is getting better with time, but I still have my moments, and this gives me a good outlet.

I know I keep most of this in my head and to myself, and it takes a lot to pull it out of me (kicking and screaming sometimes due to my stubbornness). I stay pretty reserved with my personal life as I have been hurt by so many people in the past my trust is limited. Maybe fire service is a way for me to trust again. It’s needed on emergency scenes and with who I’m there with. Didn’t think of that before but it makes sense.

It also brings an aspect of respect and honor. I feel proud to be a firefighter. It’s an important job and the fact that I’m a volunteer makes it extra special. Not because of what others think, but to me and my own pride and sense of self-worth. When I have my turnout gear on, I feel invincible. I feel strong and know the adrenaline is coursing through my veins. It’s a high.

The fire service can be changed, and I can help be part of that change. It’s for the good of all of us, and it’s good for me.

An understanding and tools to reduce stress management

A friend of mine, Leslie Yancy, has developed a sheet to help understand stress with tips on how to best manage it – something all first responders should know and learn. She does some amazing work and give programs to first responders and medical staff on healing from trauma or ptsd. Learn more about Hero 2 Hero and check out her stress handout here.

A marketing example for your fire hall

Recently and at the conclusion of Fire Prevention Week, my department, the Lone Oak Volunteer Fire Department, held an open house to the community. We had breakfast and lunch, educational programs and hands-on demonstrations for everyone. And the best thing? All the supplies and food were donated to us from local companies. Everyone had a great time. As a marketing tool itself – the open house– we gained valuable visibility within the community and our mutual aid partners. In addition we had a local videographer film and edit down the entire event which provides us yet another marketing tool in our overall program. Take a look and tell me this doesn’t make you feel good about community and the great work we’re doing.

The Battles First Responders Fight

Thinking a lot about the things we see as first responders… two videos that really demonstrate the fight.

Reach out if you ever need to talk about what you’ve seen and how you’re feeling. Even hero’s need hero’s. A friend of mine also addresses groups on this issue. Learn more at

Value Infographic

Something that is to help clarify the marketing and power of it within a fire or emergency service organization.

Limited Support? An Idea to Overcome.

Last week as I walk through the Firehouse Expo in Nashville some things kept coming into my mind. All these people attending to learn and all of these vendors supporting the fire service industry is truly amazing to see.

This was also a couple days before my fire department was having its first big open house for the community. We had an incredible amount of support from our area businesses… donating financially for picnic supplies and through other items such as coffee, doughnuts, hot dogs, etc. That blew me away and there are people that care.

Knowing over 70% of all fire departments in the US are volunteer organizations it’s great to see this support. There are many challenges though. Declining members (and member support/dedication), limited funding (need for fundraising) and lack of community support are just a few but they’re at the top of my list. But these aren’t simple things. Without dedicated members, without funding… terrible responses. Without community support how can a department grow?

We need to demonstrate the value we provide. A day in the life of a volunteer firefighter in a rural department and all the services and value we bring to a community. To really get them to understand what we do.

  • Fire investigations
  • Structural fire suppression
  • Wildland fire suppression
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Medical emergencies
  • Search and rescue
  • Traffic control
  • Truck maintenance
  • Department operations
  • Department equipment
  • Department compliance
  • Member training
  • Member certifications
  • Community education
  • Fundraising and grant writing
  • Social media & website
  • Community event support
  • Community, county and town meetings
  • Board of directors meetings

And I’m sure I forgot a few things.

The people attending, teaching and exhibiting at Firehouse Expo and the dedication from a handful of my department members truly show what it is to be part of the fire service. But how can we gain new, quality members and address these big challenges?

Aside from continuing to push the value to the community, I’m not sure how else to get across this message. Continuing to push will directly impact membership and local support (financial and other). But it’s exhausting. I’m exhausted. But you know something… I will take a day or two to recover and then start again. The fire service is THAT important for me, and to those dedicated like me, to ever stop pushing. Through all the bullshit and struggles it boils down to helping people and providing a service. Not because we’re paid or want acknowledgement but because it matters to us personally and it’s the right thing to do. It’s who we are. And I tell you… if you’re not here for the right reasons you will not last.

We need to communicate our hearts and passions rather than “we need more members, more funding and more support.” Why are we here? Why are YOU here? I am here because I care. I want to be an integral part of my community. I want to help protect it and keep everyone safe. I want to keep our forests intact and thriving. I want to help people learn how to protect their homes and property. That is why I do it. That is why I will continue to read and learn, attend conferences and seminars, and to help my department be the best it can possibly be. To lead the way and be an example to other volunteer departments. It can be done but not overnight. It’s a long-term process with every step being methodical and sustainable for the future. It’s not easy but it’s worth it.

Communicating our hearts and passions will impact memberships and set an example of leadership to others. In the meantime, do the best you can with what you have. Nobody can fault you for that. You are the true heroes of the fire service. You know who you are. Thank you for all you do and what you are.

9/11 Stair Climb Chattanooga

Benefiting the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, I recently participated in a 9/11 stair climb here in Chattanooga. It was good to see a turnout of about 300 people even though the weather was just over 90 degrees.

As I climbed the 110 stories today thinking of those brothers and sisters who lost their lives on 9/11. This event is controlled and safe. Just takes my motivation and strength. No fear, no unknowing that those on that day faced. Yet they charged in to save lives. To make a difference. I’m proud to honor them today and proud to be part of this tradition. I’m proud to be a firefighter.

Part 3 – What Every Department Needs (but nobody’s doing it)

How is your department moving forward? If you’re doing the same things, expect the same results.

Quick recap… In part 1 we talked about the building blocks of marketing while in part 2 we continued with engaging your community and the value you bring. Let’s keep going.

The thought of marketing is something new, but it’s proven… I’ve proven it works with engagement and support from the community, with a renewed sense of pride and belonging among members and a defined focus on where we are going.

Some results from initiating a marketing program about 18 months ago:

  • Updated department shield – Station signage, t-shirts, hats, stickers, kids coloring books all with our shield
  • Events such as our monthly Bingo & BBQ pack our community center (holds about 175 people) and raised funds for the department
  • A community mailing has increased donations
  • Active grant submissions are resulting in additional funding
  • Facebook – Followers from 0 to 638, 1,038 post engagements (likes/shares) for last month
  • Website – 842 users with the most popular pages being volunteer opportunities and wildfire preparedness
  • Membership growth from 7 to 22
  • Community support!

I’m in on this marketing thing, now what?

The openness to trying something new to better your department and how you serve the community is the first step.

Now… go back to part 1 and really think about the examples but for your department. Put it down on paper. Review. Revise. Keep going through this cycle till it feels right then review with your officers or membership for their thoughts. Review part 2 again… jot down any notes you may have and how you think they might work with your community.

Outline your risk areas and how you can help reduce them. Now marry your part 1 efforts with those risk areas… map out a plan. For marketing it’s all about consistency and repetition… with your message, your visuals, the colors you use… everything.

Grab your calendar and map out the weeks. What are you going to communicate and when? Tie those items into events, holidays, community gatherings, etc. Then… how do you deliver the messages? What works based on your community (audience)? What do you think will work?

It doesn’t have to be perfect; it has to be authentic and a dedicated effort to make things better. Show your value. Tell your community what you do, as most really don’t know.

I know the “how am I going to do this?” question is in your mind also. You need someone to write, plan and execute. Are one of your members marketing-savvy? What about a member spouse or child? Is there a community member or a college nearby? A retired teacher? Delegate. You can’t do everything, and this role doesn’t need to be a firefighter or emergency medical responder. Find a person who can run these efforts with checking in with you prior to anything being published. This person is an integral part of your department and should be thought of as that.

I know I’m just scratching the surface. Take your time and be methodical on how you approach this. Hope this helps give you a new perspective on marketing and some pointers to head in the right direction.

Marketing – it’s the right thing to do for your department and community.

Part 2 – What Every Department Needs (but nobody’s doing it)

In part 1 we talked about what marketing is and the basic elements. If you missed part 1, no worries, you can catch up here.

To continue the discussion, I am a firm believer in marketing for any and all organizations – even fire and emergency service organizations.

And depending on what you look to accomplish, this doesn’t have to be expensive. Most marketing is spent on expensive advertising and trade show participation, but we can leave that for the companies with budgets and complex strategies. For fire halls I see basic trends across the board that all of us are challenged with: Recruitment and retention, and fundraising.

It’s no big mystery that if those two challenges are met, things would be better all-around for the department. Enough people to respond to challenges at all hours of the day… improved ISO rating… better community service… NFPA complaint equipment to keep members safe and an incentive for members.

Now how does marketing help with those things? Before we continue, look back at part 1 for a quick review.

Bottom line is helping and providing value for your community. Both funding and recruitment/retention benefit your community. And your community is the central point of everything.

By igniting your community… getting them to understand and then to get them involved are the first steps. That leads to community events. An open house, a demonstration, an educational program… a reason to bring them together. Once together share what you do. Educate them on the number of calls you respond to and your current membership. Show them turnout gear and SCBAs and share the expense of them. Get them to understand the value and to take a vested interest. It IS in their best interest to have a functional fire department for when their time of need might come.

By educating them and showing them the value can lead to new members who would like to be trained. It can also lead to new members who are simply support or administrative help. Or what about someone who is retired but can write? Grants, perhaps? Everyone who is willing and who has a desire to help make their community better has a place at the fire hall. You just may need to demonstrate that. Show them. Ask for what you need.

The stronger your community involvement and support, the stronger you will be as a fire department, and in turn, the stronger you will be at protecting your community. It’s relational. One feeds the other and you can’t do it successfully alone.

Keep thinking about this… jot down notes… and stay tuned for the 3rd and final post in this series. And if you can’t control it and want to jump on this immediately, send me a note and let’s chat on the phone. I can help guide you to successful marketing!

Part 1 – What Every Department Needs (but nobody’s doing it)

Now before you think marketing is a term for businesses and that it’s expensive hear me out and hang with me.

Marketing is an overarching method to communicate a message to a defined audience to elicit a specific action or feeling. Now in English… Who are you? Who are you talking to? What message do you want to get across? What do you want them to do? How are you delivering it?

For example:

Who are you?

Fire Department X provides exceptional fire and emergency medical response services to the community of XX.

Who are you talking to?

The XX community members.

To go a step further… they are made up of approximately 50% retirees, 30% young families of which 40% work in agriculture. The community is also experiencing new construction growth.

NOTE: The more information you know about who you’re talking to (your audience), the more effective things will be.

What message do you want to get across?

That Fire Department X is in need of new members to serve the growing needs of the community.

What do you want them to do?

Visit our new member information page on the website ( or stop by one of our weekly training sessions held Tuesday nights at 6:30-9:30pm to learn more about how your talents can help your community.

How are you delivering it?

Through our website, Facebook page, posted flyers and member word-of-mouth.

Note: Think of who you are talking to (your audience) and make sure how you are delivering the message are the right way to send information. For example, if a large population visits a popular breakfast place, maybe communicate it there or help serve coffee and deliver the message. If your audience isn’t computer or technology savvy don’t spend the energy in posting on Facebook.

Definitely some things to think about.

Grant & Fundraising Assistance

Over the past several months I’ve had several people approach me to assist with writing some narratives for FEMA and other national and regional grant applications. This is something I can absolutely help with. My firm, Babacita, is the only agency dedicated to fire and emergency service marketing. Though marketing has several components, securing funds and fundraising activities is part of an integrated marketing strategy and program.

I’ve also had folks reach out top have me assist with researching what grant opportunities are out there for them. This is something I’m considering adding to my arsenal – a research arm. Would this be something you see as value and could (would) you use it? I’d like to make this easy and affordable for all types of organizations and would create a good/better/best offering. I’m thinking pricing would be $99/$149/$199 and also offer custom research. This seem like a good and affordable value?

Still playing with the idea but any input would be appreciated!
